Go to this web site and select the mirror site you like more
The file for this tutorial is named CentOS-6.7-x86_64-minimal.iso
The aim of this ISO image file is to install a very basic CentOS 6.7 system, with the minimum of packages needed to have a functional system.Open VirtualBox and create a new VM with these params:
Name: Centos6_7
OS: Linux
Version: RedHat (64 bit)
Ram 1024 or 2048, this depends from your PC
Create a New Disk --> dynamic archiaviation --> 10 gb
If you are ready, start the VM and login as Root.
Sure the start is working, but the network is, probably, not yet configured as necessary. Try to ping Google over Internet:
ping google.com
You'll possibly see…
ping: unknown host google.com
That's weird. Everybody knows Google! Most probably, CenOS has no Internet access so far.
Let's edit the ifcfg-eth0 file:
vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
Press i (to insert mode). Change the following lines as below:
Press ESC (back to command mode). Enter command :wq!.
Keyboard issue
Try to write by keyboard and if you have problems with weird keyboard settings, such that you can’t use the pipe (passing information from command to command), dash (for command parameters), @ (email sign), etc keys. Use this command to change the keys temporarily and then make a change to
Try to write by keyboard and if you have problems with weird keyboard settings, such that you can’t use the pipe (passing information from command to command), dash (for command parameters), @ (email sign), etc keys. Use this command to change the keys temporarily and then make a change to
to make a permanent change to keyboard
Restart and try to ping google.com again.
Now install wget utility that help you to download file
Install the Midnight commander file manager, it is very usefull for local and remote session via ssh.
Now add mysql repositories to start mysql install
verify that the MySQL Yum repository has been added successfully by using following command.
Install latest version of MySQL (currently 5.7) using the following command.
Start MySQL Server
Execute the command mysql_secure_installation that allows you to secure your MySQL installation by performing important settings like setting the root password, removing anonymous users, removing root login, and so on.
be sure you don't forget to install an SSH server:
configure the network card by edit configuration files stored in network-scripts directory
create a file named ifcfg-eth1 as follows
You are ready to start the VM and login by ssh
Need more infos? Try these links: http://vichargrave.com/how-to-create-a-linux-virtual-machine-with-virtualbox/
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