You could try to detach the database, copy the files to new names at a command prompt, then attach both DBs.
USE master;
EXEC sp_detach_db
    @dbname = N'OriginalDB';
At Command prompt (I've simplified the file paths for the sake of this example):
copy c:\OriginalDB.mdf c:\NewDB.mdf
copy c:\OriginalDB.ldf c:\NewDB.ldf
In SQL again:
USE master;
    ON (FILENAME = 'C:\OriginalDB.mdf'),
       (FILENAME = 'C:\OriginalDB.ldf')
    ON (FILENAME = 'C:\NewDB.mdf'),
       (FILENAME = 'C:\NewDB.ldf')
I tried a few hours ago to use the online service https://liquality.io/ to convert BTC to DAI (Ledger S and Metmamask) but the USB device was not recognized as a device in the device window that the chrome browser opened for me there was no device. I opened Ledger Live and after connecting the USB key I selected the bitcoin app, then I visited the swap site and the pop up window for the device list was empty.

This is an issue related to ledger devices on Windows with integrations through the browser. Ledger states: "In Windows, WebUSB does not work out of the box but you can fix it with Zadig."
So to get this working, you will need to download Zadig, select the Nano S and install the driver.


For help, please use this utility that lists all USB devices that currently connected to your computer, as well as all USB devices that you previously used. 


Just remember that the finished zip filename is the first argument and the directory you wish to recursively zip comes after.

zip -r name_of_your_directory.zip name_of_your_directory
So, if you're getting the ".. scripts are disabled..." message and then go into the Powershell GUI and run the Get-ExecutionPolicy to find that scripts are Unrestricted, don't be frustrated and confused (like I was).

Run the following statement from a Command prompt (not a PS prompt): 
Open the command line as Administrator

c:\windows\syswow64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -command set-executionpolicy unrestricted

Note: you may have to tweak the filepath if you're on a 32-bit system. 
In order to send data (e.g. sending tokens) with your transaction via your Ledger Nano S or Ledger Blue, you need to enable "contract data". If you do not, you will receive the error "Invalid status 6a80". To enable this setting...
  • On your device, open the Ethereum application
  • Enable the "Contract data"
  • Display Data needs to be disabled to allow smart contracts.
How to Return an ID of an attachment by searching the database with the file URL.

SELECT ID FROM wp_posts WHERE guid RLIKE 'yoururlhere'
First step is to upload the files via ftp to the wp-content directory but the wordpress media does not  recognize it, since it's missing the meta data in the mysql database.

You must install Media Library Folders pluign, to create actual folders in your WordPress Media Library. It not only allows you to organize your image files in your WP site, but it also creates logical URL links to your files based on the folders you create and the name of the image file.
